Or more like highly exaggerated barely agreed upon opinion that I’m presuming to tell you the residents of an entire nation (yes, Texas is a nation, deal with it) believe in. Let’s get going. You can blame Johannes Axner for this.
So, listen here, you little shits…
1. It’s capitalized.
LARP is capitalized. It’s an acronym. It’s capitalized. Deal with it.
2. Git gud, y’all.
Even in artsy fartsy games, there’s such a thing as a bad player. If you are bad, stop being bad. If you are good, help others git gud. If bad players refuse to stop being bad, kick their asses to curb. If they complain, tell them to deal with it.
3. Don’t make me knock you off that high horse, son.
If a game does what it set out to do, it’s a good game. Every variety, from boffer battle games to vampire werewolf zombie horror sci-fi games to whatever the Nords are getting drunk then praising this week – anyone else notice the Nords can’t talk up their shit while sober? Well, if they ever are sober. If you think something is beneath you or is having fun wrong, you’re as welcome as a tornado on a trail drive. People make their own fun. Deal with it.
4. It’s capitalized.
I’m repeating this. LARP. L-A-R-P. Deal with it.
5. We ain’t impressed by preaching to the choir.
Yeah, yeah, you really hit it out the park with your crazy political statement told to a crowd guaranteed to agree with it. Either say something new or get off the stage. We ain’t impressed. Deal with it.
6. Don’t holler at a brick wall
Who gives a damn about what happens on Facebook or Twitter or whatever else? Turn the damn thing off. Nobody cares to have Online LARP Fight #554 revisited, chrissakes, so knock it off and deal with it.
7. Take the bull by the horns
You at a game? Take charge of your fun. Nobody wants to hear belly-aching and about how you are a customer. You run a game? Act like it, people are counting on you. You have a responsibility. Deal with it.
8. Rather be round a honest pig than a silver-tongued snake.
We ain’t here to judge. It’s not what you say but what you mean that matters, and actions speak louder than words. Walk the walk. You don’t like being called out for being all hat and no cattle? Deal with it.
9. It’s capitalized.
Deal. With. It.
10. Manifestos are bullshit.
Seriously. All they do is start arguments. And who elected anyone King of LARP? Manifestos ain’t worth spit. Yeah, I know, you worked hard on yours. Deal with it.
Well, I hope that clears some things up. Y’all come back now, you hear?
Yes, this was a joke. Well, half a joke. 3/7ths, maybe? Whatever, Johannes made me do it.